Cosmic Woman is an autobiography (trilogy) that Tessa has been working on since 2012. Part 1: 'Living a happier life with a cosmic consciousness' was published in January 2019. The book is already in a third edition, partly thanks to topmodel Doutzen Kroes and Tessa's successful performances during the Happinez Festival 2019 where she offered several talks in overcrowded yurts.

Volume 1: Cosmic Woman
Living a happier life with a cosmic consciousness

After a sweat lodge ceremony, a group energy - calling itself the 13 Grandmothers - makes telephatic contact with Tessa. These spiritual teachers help her to rebalance by living the natural rhythm of the 13 Moons. Every moon (month) offers a facet of Truth; a cosmic, feminine force. This ensures that Yin & Yang come into balance. Tessa learns to think cyclically and becomes attuned to a new reality of unlimited possibilities. Her goal and task as a Storyteller is to be the living proof of the new cosmic human being.


Review: Doutzen Kroes

"I have read this book with admiration from the very first page. It has given me many insights into how I want to live life. Moreover, it has inspired me to look inside and to determine my reality from there. Cosmic Woman made me realize that everything is one and that "you" are another "me". From that moment on, life is a magical game."



Volume 2: Cosmic Woman
Unraveling mysteries with a cosmic consciousness

Volume 3: Cosmic Woman Handbook
Free yourself with a cosmic consciousness

Tessa is currently working on these parts. It is not yet known when the books will be published.